Saturday, October 21, 2017

Company Formation in Egypt

Company formation in Egypt is much more easier when you compare with another governments. Also there is so many reasons to invest and doing business in Egypt.
Main Reasons Why Egypt is a Desirable Investment Location
  • Steady year-on-year capital appreciation
  • Beautiful, well established tourist hotspots suitable for varied tourist interests, from excellent diving and snorkeling to cultural and historical locations
  • Stunning natural, unspoilt landscapes
  • Steady annual growth in tourist figures
  • No capital gains tax
  • British residents avoid inheritance tax on any property in Egypt
  • Foreign investors are regarded by the government as a big investment opportunity and laws have recently streamlined procedures, making the purchase procedure easy.
Most foreign companies operating in Egypt are joint stock or limited liability companies. There are sole proprietorships (such as restaurants and boutiques), but they are more difficult to establish (due to the numbing amount of permits and paperwork required) and are therefore less common.
Regardless of what type of business you are starting, you will first have to register it with the General Authority for Investment (GAFI). The man GAFI office is located in Nasr City in Cairo, but there are also branches in Ismailia, Assiut and Alexandria. Your lawyer will be able to help you prepare the appropriate paperwork.
There is 4 types of company in Egypt. You can see more details about these types:
The Limited Liability company 
Number of partners: Minimum 2 shareholders (partners)  maximum 50 shareholders
Estimated duration: 14 Days
Capital (max/min): Minimum EGP 50,000, fully paid up front when formed.
Shareholders and liability: Their responsibility is limited to their contribution.
General Partnership company 
Number of partners: Minimum 2 ,Maximum Unlimited number of partners
Estimated duration: 14 Days
Capital (max/min): Minimum EGP 5,000
Shareholders and liability: General partner liability is unlimited.
Joint Stock Company is a public limited company (Incorporated)
Number of partners: Minimum 3 shareholders (partners)
Estimated duration: 14 Days
Capital (max/min): EGP 250,000  of which half is fully paid  when formed. EGP 500,000  in case of initial public offering. (1/4 fully paid up)
Shareholders and liability: Their responsibility is limited to the contribution amount.
Limited Partnership 
Number of partners: One general partner, unlimited number of limited partners
Estimated duration: 14 Days
Capital (max/min): Minimum EGP 5,000
Shareholders and liability: Limited partner liability is limited to the extent of his share
If you have any questions about doing business in Egypt, you can visit or you can send an e-mail to

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